After divorce, the foreigner who possess a ” Spouse of a Japanese National” has to go back to his/her country or change his/her visa to stay in Japan.
日本人と離婚したときの手続き / Procedures after divorce
①14日以内に、離婚した旨の届け出をする / Notification of relationship with spouse
Within 14 days from the date of the change, you should submit “Notification of relationship with spouse” to Immigration Services Agency of Japan. If you delay, you may be disadvantaged in subsequent applications.
Notification of relationship with spouse
②6ヵ月以内に、別のビザへ変更する / Change to another visa within 6 months
You have to change your visa within 6 monthes from the date of the change if you would like to continue to live in Japan. Even if you have a period of stay of 6 months or more, you can’t stay in Japan with that certification. If you leave it for more than 6 months without a justifiable reason, your status of residence will be revoked.
日本人等と離婚した外国人が日本に住み続ける方法 / How to stay in Japan
You can have following ways to continue to stay in Japan.
日本人と再婚する Remarriage with another Japanese |
「日本人の配偶者等」の在留期間更新許可申請 Application for extension of period of stay “Spouse of a Japanese national” |
永住者と再婚する Remarriage with a permanet resident |
「永住者の配偶者等」への在留資格変更許可申請 Application for change of status to “Spouse of a Permanent Resident” |
就労ビザの外国人と再婚 Remarriage with a foreigner with working visa |
「家族滞在」への在留資格変更許可申請 Application for change of status to “Family member of foreigne nationals” |
社員として就職 Emplyed as an office worker |
「技術・人文知識・国際業務」・「高度専門職ビザ」へ在留資格変更許可申請 Application for change of status to “Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services””Highly Skilled Professionals” |
その他の社員として就職 Emplyed as an office worker |
「技能」「特定技能」その他へ在留資格変更許可申請 Application for change of status to”Skilled Labor””Specified Skilled Worker” or others |
会社設立し代表となる Establish a company |
「経営管理」への在留資格変更許可申請 Application for change of status to “Business manager” |
留学生となる Be a student |
「留学生ビザ」への在留資格変更許可申請 Application for change of status to “Student” |
定住者ビザ If the above does not apply |
上記に当てはまらない場合、「定住者ビザ」への在留資格変更許可申請 Application for change of status to “Long-Term Resident” |
定住者ビザへ在留資格を変更する / Long-Term Resident
In reality, it is common to change to a Long-Term Resident visa to stay in Japan. It will be rigorously examined according to each individual’s circumstances.

Why do you want to continue to stay in Japan?

I don’t have any family and any houses in Philipine. I can’t live there.

I’ve stayed in Japan for a long time as a spouse of a Japanese national. Japan has been my living base.

I have to take and raise our children of Japanese nationality, so I want to raise our children in Japan.
定住者ビザへの変更基準 / Criteria for a Long-Term Resident Visa
- 離婚した日本人との間に日本国籍の未成年の子どもがいて、監護養育する場合
In case you will live with your children with Japanese Nationality -
In case you don’t have any children with Japanese Nationality, Marriage period must be at least 3 years.
定住者ビザへ変更する際のアピールポイント / Appeal points for a Long-Term Resident Visa
- なぜ日本で暮らさなければならないかの必要性と事情の説明
- 金銭面(収入)はどうするかの説明と立証
You have to explain the reason why you want to live in Japan and explain your circumstances and how to cover living expenses in a reason book with some evidences.