Starting a business in Japan /日本で事業を始める

経営管理 / Business Manager

You need a “Business Manager (e.g., executives and managers of companies) visa ” to start a business in Japan.


“Business Manager Visa” is a working visa for foreigners who manages a business that relates to international trade and/or business management.

経営管理ビザは、①日本で会社を設立した経営者 または、②会社の中で管理する業務をする外国人が、日本で働くするために取得するビザです。
Foreigners who manage a corporation or work as a supervisor and so on have to get a  “Business Manager visa ” 


Managing a corporation

The corporation to be established must have one of the following conditions:

  1. 経営または管理に従事する者以外に、日本に居住する2人以上の常勤の社員がいる
    2 or more full-time employees residing in Japan other than a manager.
  2. 資本金の総額が500万円以上
    5 million yen or more of capital.
President・CEO etc.


Working as a supervisor and so on

to manage the business in Japan (listed companies etc.)

  • 経営・管理について3年以上の経験
    Over 3 years of experience in management
  • 日本人と同等以上の報酬
    Reward equal or higher than Japanese
director・branch manager・department manager・factory manager etc.



The flow for case ① will be explained below.

Establish a company / 会社設立


When applying for visa, your background, source of the capital and details of your business will be seen to make sure the applicant is not merely a name-only manager.

  • 適法に行われる業務か
    It must be a legal work.
  • 労働者を雇う場合は、労働保険、社会保険に加入すること
    If you hire any employee, apply for labor insurance and social insurance.
  • 許認可を必要とする事業の場合には、許認可を取得すること(在留資格の申請時点で取得していない場合には、確実に取得する見込みであること)
    In the case of a business that requires a permit, obtain a permit. (If it has not been obtained at the time of application for the visa, it is surely expected to be obtained).
  • 原料や商品の仕入れ、販売等が適正なルートであること
    Proper route for purchasing and selling materials and products.
  • 事業が安定して継続的に営まれるものと客観的に認められること
    Objectively recognized that the business is stable and continuous.

Make a business plan / 事業計画書を作る

It is IMPORTANT to make a detailed and realistic business plan to get a status of residence in Japan. Gather evidence to prove that the business is feasible and stable.

  • 申請の理由と背景
    reason and background of application
  • 事業概要
    business summary
  • 収支計画
    budget plan
  • 申請人の活動内容と一日のスケジュール
    applicant’s activity and daily schedule
  • 市場動向
    market research
  • 他社との差別化
    differentiate from other companies
  • 販売予定の商品の単価・仕入れ先
    supplier / price of products
  • and so on

Secure an office / 事務所の確保


It is requiree to secure an office before applying for a visa.

Virtual Office is not allowed.
Condominiums with a rule “cannot be used for purposes other than housing” are not allowed.

Property with monthly contract is not allowed.
If the contract is not completed when submitting the application, a floor plan issued by the real estate company is required.

Open a bank account / 銀行口座の開設

Open a bank account in Japan to transfer capital.

Transfer capital or Hire 2 employees / 500万円以上の資本金または2人以上の常勤を雇う


Transfer capital of 5 million yen or more to a bank account 

The money that was saved during the stay in Japan as a student cannot be used.



Hire two or more full-time employees.

Only Japanese, Permanent residents, Spouses of Japanese, Spouses of permanent resident, Long-term residents can become full-time employees.

Company Establishment Procedure / 会社設立手続き

  1. 基本事項決定
    decide basic matters
  2. 定款の作成
    preparation of articles of incorporation
  3. 定款の認証
    certification of articles of incorporation
  4. 資本金振込
    transfer capital
  5. 法務局へ登記申請
    application for registration to the Legal Affairs Bureau
  6. 税務署への届出
    notification to the tax office

Operating Permission / 許認可手続


You have to get an official permission if you are in industries such as:

  • 飲食業 Restaurant
  • 中古品の販売 Sale of  second-hand goods
  • 人材派遣業  Dispatched labor business
  • 旅行業  Travel industry
  • 不動産業 Real estate business
  • 建設業など  Construction industry

As a general rule, you can apply for a visa after receiving an official permission.

Application for a visa / 経営管理ビザ申請


This visa has a high risk in case of failure since it will be made after all applications are completed.


