I will explain the procedure for a foreigner residing in Japan with a work visa or family stay, going back to home to give birth to a baby and returning to Japan with the baby a few months later.
Each foreigner must have a kind of status of residence in order to stay in Japan. However, since the baby does not have any status of residence in Japan yet, someone (her husband, relatives, company) in Japan must apply for a Certificate of Eligibility to the Immigration bureau in Japan instead of the baby and his/her mother must obtain a visa for him/her at the Japanese Embassy of her country.
If the husband and the wife are both foreigners, the status of residence of the baby will be ” Dependent“. In order to obtain a Certificate of Eligibility (CoE) of a new born baby, you will need to submit a Birth Certificate issued in your home country to the Immigration , so you cannot apply it before giving birth.
Someone (her husband, her relatives, her employer) staying in Japan have to sighn the application to obtaining a CoE, needs
・日本在留の親戚 her relatives
・契約を結んでいる会社等 her employer
①妻(海外) | 赤ちゃんの出産証明書を日本にいる代理人(夫や会社)に送付 |
②夫や会社(日本) | すべての必要書類を取得する(課税証明書など) |
③夫や会社(日本) |
申請書類(申請書、理由書、保証書等)を作成する |
④夫や会社(日本) |
赤ちゃんの「在留資格認定証明書交付申請」(「家族滞在」)を行う |
⑤夫や会社(日本) | 認定証明書(COE)を受領後(受理後1~3ヵ月程度)、妻に送る |
⑥妻(外国) | 自国の日本大使館(または領事館)でビザ申請をする。 |
⑦妻(外国) | ビザの受領(受理後5日程度) |
⑧妻と赤ちゃん | 認定証明書の発行日から3ヵ月以内に赤ちゃんと一緒に日本に入国 |

当オフィス Our office |
日本にいる代理人 Supporter living in Japan |
里帰り出産をしている妻 |
面談&契約 / Consultation & Making a contract | ||
着手金(50,000yen)の入金 Money to start |
申請書等の作成 Writing application forms (申請書・身元保証書・理由書等) |
必要書類の収集 Collecting documents (課税証明書・納税証明書・証明写真・家族写真等) |
出産証明書を当オフィスに送る Sending the birth certificate to our office |
当オフィスに必要書類送付 |
書類の修正・翻訳等 revision / translation |
申請書を代理人に送付 Sending an application form to the supporter |
申請書に署名し、当オフィスに返送 Writing a signature on the applications form and return them to our office |
入管に申請 Submitting the application forms to the Immigration |
認定証明書(COE)を入管で受領する Obtaining the CoE at the Immigration |
残金のお支払い(+郵送料) |
認定証明書(COE)を妻に郵送する Mail the CoE to the wife abroad |
COEをもって、現地の大使館(または領事館)にてビザ申請 |
COE交付日の3ヵ月以内に入国・在留カード取得 Entrying Japan within 3 months |
もしも不許可になったら / If denied
We accompany you to the Immigration to ask why it was denied.
We re-apply to the Immigration once for free when it’s capable to do.
When re-application is also denied and there is no fault on your part, We will refund other than 20,000 yen of the start money.
様々な生活サポート / Other services
- 空港までお迎え
- 役所・銀行・病院・お子さんの学校などへの同行・手続きサポート
- 日本語レッスン
- お子さんの宿題などのサポート
- 習い事や塾探しサポ―ト
- その他
We’d like foreign nationals to love Japan. We support you with problems in life such as ;
- pick up at the airport
- accompany to a city hall, banks, hospitals, children’s school etc.
- Japanese lesson
- support for children’s homework
- others